
Sapphire is a toy compiler framework, heavily inspired by both LLVM and the Cranelift compiler in Wasmtime.

Both of those are much better projects to look at for modern optimizing compilers than this is, you can find the actual source code at the following:

  • LLVM, in the llvm/ subdir of the LLVM monorepo
  • Cranelift, in the cranelift/ subdir of Wasmtime

API Documentation

This book does not contain any API documentation for the Sapphire library. If you want that, you need to go here.


SIR is the intermediary language that everything1 inside of Sapphire speaks in. All optimizing transformations are SIR -> SIR, all analyses work on SIR, etc. SIR is your standard SSA-based IR with memory operations, the only remotely interesting thing is that it uses block parameters for φ functions instead of a phi-like instruction.

fn i32 @loopFactorial(i32) fastcc {
entry(i32 %n):
  %0 = iconst i32 1
  br loop.head(i32 %n, i32 %n)

loop.head(i32 %x, i32 %y):
  %1 = icmp eq i32 %x, %0
  condbr bool %1, loop.body, exit(%y)
  %2 = isub i32 %x, %0
  %3 = imul i32 %y, %2
  br loop.head(%2, %3)
exit(i32 %result):
  ret i32 %result

The details of the IR can be found here.

[1]: Except the back-end, that deals in a machine-specific IR instead

Compiler Internals

Details of the compiler's inner workings can be found in the Internals section.

Sapphire IR (SIR) Reference

type %boxed.i32 = { ptr }  
fn ptr @boxed.allocate(i64 %0)  
fn { ptr } @boxed.add.i32({ ptr } %0, { ptr } %1) {  
    %2 = extract ptr, { ptr } %0, 0  
    %3 = extract ptr, { ptr } %1, 0  
    %4 = load i32, ptr %2  
    %5 = load i32, ptr %3  
    %6 = iadd i32, %4, %5  
    %7 = iconst i64, 4  
    %8 = call @boxed.allocate(i64 %7)  
    store i32 %6, ptr %8  
    ret ptr %8  


Memory Model

Bytes, Fundamental Sizes

Bytes in SIR are 8-bit, all integers are 2's complement and have bit-width/sizes that are powers of two.


All objects are aligned to powers of 2. Unaligned access is undefined behavior, unless it is through specific means provided by the IR.

Formally, the alignment \( A \) of any object \( O \) is an integer \( 2^N \) such that \( N \in \mathbb{N} \).

Memory & Reachability

The memory available to a program is considered to be an array of i8 of an unspecified length. Each byte in memory is initially considered to be unreachable.

A given section (a contiguous subset of the larger available memory) of memory is considered to be reachable if one of the following conditions is true:

  1. The memory has been returned from an implementation-defined allocation function, such as malloc , alloca or ::operator new.
  2. A pointer to the memory is made available to the program through the IR, i.e. a global was used (globals are available to the program as ptr values), an alloc instruction evaluated to a given ptr, etc.
  3. The implementation exposes the memory through known integral addresses (e.g the implementation guarantees that all memory is ‘reachable’ because its freestanding, the implementation guarantees that a section is available at address 0xdeadbeef, etc.)

Object Storage

A given section of memory can be used as the storage of an object, however SIR does not enforce any restrictions to what can be stored in a given section based on type alone (other than that the size of the object must be \( \le \) the size of the section).

Storage is simply considered to be a set of bytes that happen to store a given set of values.


Function Signatures

These are not quite "types"

Aggregates v. Primitives

Primitive types are the atomic values of the IR, e.g. integers, booleans, floats and the like. Aggregates are complex types that are made up of one or more primitives (or other aggregates). Each value that is contained in an aggregate is said to be a member the aggregate, with each member being identified by an index (starting at zero).

bool: Booleans

bool models the pure idea of a boolean, with two states: true and false.

They are not 'integers' as they are in LLVM and some other IRs, although they can be

converted into integers and back easily with the btoi and itob instructions.

All bools are exactly byte sized and byte aligned, i.e. they are equivalent to an i8

in size, alignment, and other storage expectations.

iN: Integers

iN models the concept of two's complement integers, and acts the same way that

integers do on the vast majority of computers. Unlike integers in most languages, they

are sign-less. Note that this does not mean unsigned, instead, sign is determined by the

instruction. This more closely models the hardware, and allows more granular control over

the behavior / guarantees that are desired.

Integers are in the form iN, such that \( N \in {8, 16, 32, 64} \). Support for

wider integers (i.e. i128) or arbitrary-width integers (i.e. i37) may come in the future.

The size of an integer is exactly as many bytes as is required to store \( N \) bits,

and the alignment of an integer is exactly the same as its size.

The endianness of integers is unspecified, but is defined by a given target.

fN: Floats

fN model floating-point numbers that follow the IEEE-754 standard. Currently, only two

are supported:

  • f32: IEEE single-precision, i.e. binary32
  • f64: IEEE double-precision, i.e. binary64

In the future, others may be supported (e.g. f128 for IEEE quads).

The size of a float is exactly as many bytes as is required to store \( N \) bits,

and the alignment of a float is exactly the same as its size.

ptr: Pointers

ptr models the idea of a pointer, and nothing else. Unlike many high-level languages, pointers

are untyped.

[T x N]: Arrays

[T x N] models contiguous blocks of storage, approximately equivalent to arrays in C. Arrays are considered to be aggregate types, and thus aggregate operations can be used on them. Each array index is considered to be a distinct aggregate member.

an independent element.

They take up exactly sizeof(T) * N bytes of storage, with alignment that is equal to alignof(T).

Note that this means that arrays that satisfy one of the following conditions are zero-sized:

  • N == 0
  • sizeof(T) == 0
[i8, 0]  
[{}, 64]  
[i64, 512]  
[[[i64, 16], 16], 16]

{ T... }: Structures

{ T... } models a struct in C, and conform to the same ABI as C structures would for a given target. They are aggregate types, and thus each member of the structure is one member of the aggregate and can be accessed using aggregate instructions. Members are indexed according to their order, i.e. given the structure { ptr, i32, f64 }, ptr is at index 0, i32 is at index 1, and so on.

Structures are padded, and their size is thus determined by the order of each element, and the size/align of each element. Note that structures satisfying one of the following conditions are zero-sized:

  • No elements
  • Every element is zero-sized
{ ptr, i64, i64 }  
{ }  
{ i32, i32 }, f64, [i8; 64] }


Functions are made up of a name, a call signature, a list of stack slots, and a list of basic blocks.

Call Signature

Return Value

The return value can have the noalias and nonnull attributes. They work the same as with arguments.

Function Arguments

Function arguments can have a type and an attribute list, the following attributes exist and can all only be applied to pointers.


This says that a pointer will not alias with any other pointers accessible to the function it is passed to, i.e. there is no way it can get another pointer that aliases the same memory (without itop/offset/etc).

If the function does get memory that aliases the noalias pointer, the behavior is undefined.


This says that the pointer is guaranteed to not be null.

If the pointer is null, the behavior is undefined.


Note: This attribute is not intended for public use.

The reason is that this exists exclusively for internal ABI legalization code to generate, not for user code to generate.

If you want to get this behavior, just pass an aggregate type by-value and the backend will handle it.

This is a way of encoding a specific ABI constraint, i.e. "by-value" passing on the stack.

When this is used, any callers are expected to push <n> bytes onto the stack, the pointer value itself is the beginning of that stack allocation.

Stack Slots

Stack slots are how stack memory is allocated in SIR. They explicitly mark all the (static) stack memory that will be needed by a function, all this memory is allocated before the entry block of a function is entered.

$name = stack T

T is what defines the specific stack slot, as the slot is allocated to have exactly enough space for a T, and has the correct alignment for a T.

Note: While data of types besides T can be stored into/read from the slot, the type of the data must fit within the layout bounds of T. Do keep in mind that doing so will prevent the data from being promoted into virtual registers.

If it does not, the behavior is undefined due to out-of-bounds accesses or unaligned accesses.

Pointers into this memory are obtained through the stackslot instruction, which yields a ptr to a specified slot.

Stack memory is not guaranteed to be maintained unless it escapes a function, it simply provides a way for languages like C to easily represent variables and whatnot. Stack memory can be legally promoted into SSA values provided the pointer value is not observed in any way (i.e. is not used in any way besides either loading from that memory or storeing to that memory).

Consider this implementation of max in C:

int max(int x, int y) {
    if (x < y) {
        return y;
    } else {
        return x;

A C frontend could translate it naively into code that uses stack slots for every variable and the return value, and simply generates loads/stores when those values are accessed/modified. This allows the front-end to be much simpler, and the middle-end can use the correct algorithms it already has to promote these values into registers where possible.

One such translation looks like this:

fn i32 @max(i32, i32) {
  $x = stack i32
  $y = stack i32
  $ret = stack i32
entry(i32 %0, i32 %1):
  %x = stackslot $x
  %y = stackslot $y
  %ret = stackslot $ret
  store i32 %0, ptr %x
  store i32 %1, ptr %y
  %5 = load i32, ptr %x
  %6 = load i32, ptr %y
  %7 = icmp slt i32 %5, %6
  condbr bool %7, if.then, if.else
  %8 = load i32, ptr %y
  store i32 %8, ptr %ret
  br exit
  %9 = load i32, ptr %x
  store i32 %9, ptr %ret
  br exit
  %10 = load i32, ptr %ret
  ret i32 %10

While this is very ugly code, it's also very fast for a front-end to generate and is obviously correct. This can then be optimized by Sapphire with mem2reg (the stack -> register promotion pass) into the code that the front-end wanted:

fn i32 @max(i32, i32) {
entry(i32 %x, i32 %y):
  %0 = icmp slt i32 %x, %y
  condbr bool %7, if.then, if.else
  br exit(i32 %y)
  br exit(i32 %x)
exit(i32 %ret):
  ret i32 %ret

Other optimizations could turn this into sel, but the initial transform into SSA values (and therefore virtual registers) is the key one.

Basic Blocks

A basic block is a container for a list of instructions, all of which are executed in the order they appear in a given block.

This effectively makes basic blocks a small-scale linear IR, since a given basic block contains exclusively IR that is executed linearly without branching.

; implements the quadratic formula, given f64 %a, f64 %b and f64 %c
  %0 = fneg f64 %b                    ; -b
  %1 = fconst f64 2.0
  %2 = call f64 @pow(f64 %b, f64 %1)  ; b^2
  %3 = fmul f64 %a, %c                ; ac
  %4 = fconst f64 4.0
  %5 = fmul f64 %3, %4                ; 4ac
  %6 = fsub f64 %2, %5                ; b^2 - 4ac
  %7 = call f64 @sqrt(f64 %6)         ; sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)
  %8 = fmul f64 %a, %1                ; 2a
  %9 = fadd f64 %0, %7                ; -b + sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)
  %x1 = fdiv f64 %10, %1              ; (-b + sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2.0
  %10 = fsub f64 %0, %7               ; -b - sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)
  %x2 = fdiv f64 %10, %1              ; (-b - sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2.0
  ; x1 = + solution
  ; x2 = - solution

Basic blocks have exactly one terminator, these are the last instruction in a given basic block. They are some sort of branching-ish instruction that moves control somewhere else.

Basic block can also contain one or more parameters, these implement the φ (phi) function found in SSA-based IRs. When jumping to a block with a parameter, different control flow paths can pass different values for the parameter, effectively implementing phis while automatically enforcing the ideal phi properties just through the structure of the IR.

Note: This avoids the usual special-casing of instructions in transform passes, LLVM has to treat phi as magic and move it around differently than anything else, but it's still an instruction.

This also lends well to "magic" instructions, so things like landingpad and invoke would be representable in a normal way instead of adding magical rules like LLVM had to.

Consider the following IR:

  condbr bool %0, one, two
  %1 = iconst i32 16
  br merge(%1)

  %2 = iconst i32 24
  br merge(%2)

merge(i32 %3):
  ret i32 %3

It correctly implements the following C code:

int x;

if (%0)
    x = 16;
    x = 24;

return x;



'call‘ - Call Function

Calls a function, passing zero or more arguments to that function and eventually returning when the called function returns.

fn i32 @add(i32, i32)

fn void @do_something()

fn i32 @something_else() {
  %0 = call i32 @add(i32 0, i32 1)
  call void @do_something()
  ret i32 %0

Calls to void functions cannot be bound to a name, as they do not really have a 'value’.


(<val> =)? call <ty> <fn-name>((<ty> <val>) (, <ty> <val>)*)

'indirectcall' - Indirect Call

Calls a function pointer. Otherwise, equivalent to call but taking a function type and a pointer instead of taking the name of a (declared) function.

%0 = globaladdr @printf
%1 = globaladdr @some_string
%2 = iconst i32 42
%1 = indirectcall i32 (ptr, ...), ptr %0(ptr %1, i32 %2)


(<val> =)? call <fn-sig>, <ty> <val>((<ty> <val>) (, <ty> <val>)*)

'icmp‘ - Integral Comparison

Compares two given integer, boolean or pointer values using a given comparison operation, and returns a bool representing the result of the comparison.

%0 = icmp eq i32 %a, %b
%1 = icmp sgt i32 %a, %b
%2 = and bool %0, %1
condbr bool %2, if.true, if.false

There are several possible comparisons:

eq\( = \)
ne\( \ne \)
ugt\( > \) (unsigned)
ult\( < \) (unsigned)
uge\( \ge \) (unsigned)
ule\( \le \) (unsigned)
sgt\( > \) (signed)
slt\( < \) (signed)
sge\( \ge \) (signed)
sle\( \le \) (signed)

Note that for icmp using bools, true acts as-if it was the value 1 and false acts as-if it was the value 0. This means that true > false whether the comparison is signed or unsigned.


<val> = icmp <opcode> <ty> <val>, <val>

fcmp‘ - Floating-point Compare

Compares two given floating-point values using a given comparison operation, and returns a bool representing the result of the comparison.

%0 = fcmp eq f32 %a, %b
%1 = fcmp ogt f32 %a, %b
%2 = and bool %0, %1
condbr bool %2, if.true, if.false

Comparisons can be ordered or unordered. Ordered comparisons check that neither operand is a NaN value, whereas unordered comparisons check if either operand is a NaN value.

There are several possible comparisons:

oeqOrdered and \( = \)
oneOrdered and \( \ne \)
ogtOrdered and \( > \)
oltOrdered and \( > \)
ogeOrdered and \( > \)
oleOrdered and \( > \)
ueqUnordered or \( = \)
uneUnordered or \( \ne \)
ugtUnordered or \( > \)
ultUnordered or \( > \)
ugeUnordered or \( > \)
uleUnordered or \( > \)


<val> = fcmp <opcode> <ty> <val>, <val>

'sel‘ - Select based on Condition

Selects one of two given values based on a bool condition.

%0 = sel bool %b, i64, %a, i64 %b

This is effectively a hint to the backend to try to use a cmov (x86), csel (arm64) or similar.


<val> = sel <ty>, <ty> <val>, <val>, <val>


br’ - Unconditional Branch

Unconditionally moves execution to another basic block.

br next

This is effectively the goto construct.


br <label>

condbr’ - Conditional Branch

Conditionally chooses one of two branches to move execution to, depending on a bool condition.

; equivalent to the following C code:
; if (%0) 
;   goto %if.true;
; else 
;   goto %if.false;
%0 = iconst i32 0
%1 = icmp eq i32 %x, %0
condbr bool %1, if.true, if.false

condbr is only able to branch based on bool values. The first branch is always taken for a true value, and the second is always taken for a false value.

if.true and if.false cannot be the same block (even with different arguments), they must be different blocks.


condbr <ty> <val>, <label1>( (<args>) )?, <label2>( (<args>) )?

unreachable‘ - Unreachable instruction

Similar to __builtin_unreachable: Effectively asserts that the end of the block cannot be reached in a valid program. If the containing block is reached and the unreachable is executed, the program's behavior is undefined.


This can be used for aggressive optimizations, as blocks that have unreachable as their terminator and do not call any other functions can be optimized into a block only containing unreachable, and any branches that go to an empty (except for unreachable) block can be assumed to be never taken.

This can lead to some extremely aggressive transformations. unreachable is effectively "viral,” one block containing it can "infect" many blocks that go to it (directly or not).

When optimizations are enabled, branches that are determined to be unreachable may be removed, or may remain as blocks that simply contain unreachable.

When the actual compilation step is performed, unreachable may be transformed into a trap instruction, or the block may simply be removed if it was unable to be removed during optimization.

ret‘ - Return

Returns from a function to a given caller.

ret i32 64

ret can return either void (in which case nothing is returned), or a value of a given type.


ret ((void) | (<ty> <val>))

Bitwise Operations

and’ - Bitwise AND

Performs a bitwise AND between two integer or boolean values.

%0 = and i32 %x, %y

The operands must have the same type. For booleans, this is equivalent to %x && %y. For integers, each bit position in the new value is calculated using the AND truth table.


<result> = and <ty> <val>, <val>

or’ - Bitwise OR

Performs a bitwise OR between two integer or boolean values.

%0 = or i32 %x, %y

The operands must have the same type. For booleans, this is equivalent to %x || %y. For integers, each bit position in the new value is calculated using the OR truth table.


<result> = or <ty> <val>, <val>

xor’ - Bitwise XOR

Performs a bitwise XOR between two integer or boolean values.

%0 = xor i32 %x, %y

The operands must have the same type. For booleans, this is equivalent to %x != %y. For integers, each bit position in the new value is calculated using the XOR truth table.


<result> = xor <ty> <val>, <val>

shl’ - Shift Left

Shifts a given value left by a number of bits.

%0 = shl i32 %a, %b

The operands must be the same type. Formally, this returns exactly \( ({a \cdot 2^{b}}) \) \( \mathrm{mod} \) \( 2^{N} \), where \( a \) is the first operand, \( b \) is the second, and \( N \) is the width (in bits) of the integer type.

It is undefined behavior if \( b > N \).


<result> = shl <ty> <val>, <val>

lshr’ - Logical Shift Right

Performs a logical (unsigned) right shift. This evaluates to the first operand shifted right by the second operand, with zero fill.

%0 = lshr i32 %a, %b

The operands must be the same type. Formally, this returns exactly \( ({a \cdot 2^{b}}) \) \( \mathrm{mod} \) \( 2^{N} \), where \( a \) is the first operand, \( b \) is the second, and \( N \) is the width (in bits) of the integer type.

It is undefined behavior if \( b > N \).


<result> = lshr <ty> <val>, <val>

ashr’ - Arithmetic Shift Right

Performs an arithmetic (signed) right shift. This evaluates to the first operand shifted right by the second operand, with the sign bit of the result being filled by the sign bit of the first operand.

%0 = ashr i32 %a, %b

The operands must be the same type.

It is undefined behavior if \( b > N \), where \( b \) is the second operand, and \( N \) is the width (in bits) of the operand type.


<result> = ashr <ty> <val>, <val>

Integer Arithmetic

iadd’ - Integer Addition

Returns the sum of the two arguments.

%0 = iconst i32 32
%1 = iconst i32 4
%2 = iadd i32 %0, %1

isub’ - Integer Subtraction

Returns the difference of the two arguments.

%0 = iconst i32 32
%1 = iconst i32 4
%2 = isub i32 %0, %1

imul’ - Integer Multiplication

Returns the product of the two arguments.

%0 = iconst i32 32
%1 = iconst i32 4
%2 = imul i32 %0, %1

udiv' - Integer Division (Unsigned)

Returns the quotient of the unsigned division of the two arguments.

%0 = iconst i32 32
%1 = iconst i32 4
%2 = udiv i32 %0, %1

sdiv’ - Integer Division (Signed)

Returns the quotient of the unsigned division of the two arguments.

%0 = iconst i32 32
%1 = iconst i32 4
%2 = sdiv i32 %0, %1

urem’ - Integer Remainder (Unsigned)

Returns the remainder of the unsigned division of the two arguments.

%0 = iconst i32 32
%1 = iconst i32 4
%2 = urem i32 %0, %1

srem’ - Integer Remainder (Signed)

Returns the remainder of the signed division of the two arguments.

%0 = iconst i32 32
%1 = iconst i32 4
%2 = srem i32 %0, %1

Floating-Point Arithmetic

fneg’ - Floating-point Negation

Returns the negation of a floating-point value.

%0 = fconst f64 -1.2
%1 = fneg f64 %0

fadd’ - Floating-point Addition

Returns the sum of the two floating-point values.

%0 = fconst f64 -1.2
%1 = fconst f64 5.5532309
%2 = fadd f64 %0, %1

fsub’ - Floating-point Subtraction

Returns the difference of the two floating-point values.

%0 = fconst f64 -1.2
%1 = fconst f64 5.5532309
%2 = fsub f64 %0, %1

fmul’ - Floating-point Multiplication

Returns the product of the two floating-point arguments.

%0 = fconst f64 -1.2
%1 = fconst f64 5.5532309
%2 = fmul f64 %0, %1

fdiv’ - Floating-point Division

Returns the quotient of the floating-point division on the two arguments.

%0 = fconst f64 -1.2
%1 = fconst f64 5.5532309
%2 = fdiv f64 %0, %1

frem’ - Floating-point Remainder

Returns the remainder of the floating-point division on the two arguments.

%0 = fconst f64 -1.2
%1 = fconst f64 5.5532309
%2 = frem f64 %0, %1


'alloca‘ - Dynamically Allocate in Stack Frame

Allocates memory in the current function’s stack frame. The memory is always automatically returned when the function in which the memory was allocated returns to its caller.

This is effectively the alloca function in C.

%0 = alloca [i64, 512]


<val> = alloca <ty>

load’ - Load Value from Address

Loads a value of a given type from a given address.

; equivalent C code:
;   int32_t x = *((int32_t*)p);
%x = load i32, ptr %p


<result> = load (volatile)? <ty>, <ty> <val>

Given load T, ptr %p, the pointer %p must be valid and point to an allocation of least sizeof(T) bytes.

It is undefined behavior to store to a misaligned pointer, or to a pointer that points outside the bounds of objects allocated by the program.

A load can be marked as volatile, which signals that the load must not be moved relative to any other volatile loads or stores (or any operations that could potentially execute volatile loads or stores, e.g. calling an optimizer-opaque function). It also signals that the load cannot be omitted under any circumstances.

store’ - Store Value to Address

Stores a value of a given type to a given address.

; equivalent C code:
;   *((int32_t*)p) = x;
store i32 %x, ptr %p


store (volatile)? <ty> <val>, <ty> <val>

Given store T %t, ptr %p, the pointer %p must be valid and point to at least sizeof(T) bytes.

It is undefined behavior to store to a misaligned pointer, or to a pointer that points outside the bounds of objects allocated by the program.

A store can be marked as volatile, which signals that the store must not be moved relative to any other volatile loads or stores. It also signals that the store cannot be omitted under any circumstances.


%0 = call ptr @malloc(i64 4)
store i32 %x, ptr %0

offset’ - Calculate Pointer Offset

Performs C-like pointer arithmetic.

; equivalent C code:   
;   void* new = ((int32_t*)p) + offset;  
%new = offset i32, ptr %p, i64 %offset

There are no restrictions on what pointer values may be computed, but keep in mind that the resulting pointer may point outside the bounds of allocated objects may be misaligned, etc. Loading or storing to such addresses is undefined, but this is irrelevant to offset.

The second operand must be an integer. If the integer is smaller than the native pointer size, sign-extending occurs. If the integer is larger, truncation is performed.

Aggregate Access

extract’ - Extract Value from Aggregate

Extracts a value from an aggregate value at a given index.

%0 = extract i64, { i64, i64, i64 } %obj, 0

The index is always a constant, even for arrays. If runtime indexing is required, the array/structure must be stored in memory and the offset instruction should be used.


<val> = extract <ty>, <ty> <val>, <index>

insert’ - Insert Value into Aggregate

Inserts a value into an aggregate at a given index.

%0 = undef { ptr, i8, f64 } 
%1 = insert { ptr, i8, f64 } %0, f64 %x, 2

The index is always a constant, even for arrays. If runtime indexing is required, the array/structure must be stored in memory and the offset instruction should be used.

elemptr’ - Get Pointer to Element

This is the way of getting pointers to the members of in-memory aggregates.

%0 = alloca { i64, i32, ptr, i8 }
%1 = elemptr { i64, i32, ptr, i8 }, ptr %0, 3


sext’ - Sign-Extend Integer

Sign-extends an integer of a smaller width to one of a larger width.

%0 = iconst i8 -15
%1 = sext i32, i8 %0

zext’ - Zero-Extend Integer

Zero-extends an integer to a larger type.

trunc’ - Truncate Integer

Truncates an integer to a smaller integer type.

itob‘- Integer to Boolean

Converts an integer into a bool. Non-zero values ⇒ true, while zero ⇒ false

%0 = iconst i32 15
%1 = itob bool, i32 %0

btoi‘ - Boolean to Integer

Converts a boolean into an integer. true1 while false0.

%0 = bconst bool true
%1 = btoi i32, bool %0

sitof‘- Signed Integer to Floating-point

Converts a signed integer into the nearest floating-point value.

%0 = iconst i32 -3
%1 = sitof f32, i32 %0

uitof‘- Unsigned Integer to Floating-point

Converts an unsigned integer into the nearest floating-point value.

%0 = iconst i32 16
%1 = uitof f32, i32 %0

ftosi‘ - Floating-point to Signed Integer

Converts a floating-point value into the nearest signed integer

%0 = fconst f32 -1.2
%1 = ftosi i32, f32 %0

ftoui‘ - Floating-point to Unsigned Integer

Converts a floating-point value into the nearest unsigned integer

%0 = fconst f32 1.4
%1 = ftoui i32, f32 %0

'fext' - Floating-point Extend

Extends a smaller floating-point type to a larger floating-point type.

%0 = fconst f32 1.4
%1 = fext f64, f32 %0

'ftrunc' - Floating-point Truncate

Truncates a larger floating-point type to a smaller floating-point type.

%0 = fconst f64 1.4
%1 = ftrunc f32, f32 %0

itop‘ - Integer to Pointer

Converts an integer into a pointer with the equivalent bit-pattern. If the integer is smaller than the native pointer size, zero-extending occurs. If the integer is larger, truncation is performed.

%1 = iconst i32 15
%0 = itop ptr, i32 %1

ptoi‘ - Pointer to Integer

Converts a pointer into the equivalent bit-pattern in an integer. If the integer result type is smaller, truncation is performed. If the result type is larger, zero-extending occurs.

%0 = ptoi i64, ptr %1

Constant Materialization

'stackslot' - Pointer to Stack Memory

Materializes a ptr that points to memory allocated by a stack slot. These will always produce the same ptr for the duration that a given function is executing (the value across multiple calls to the function containing this is unspecified).

  ; given that $x = stack i32
  %0 = stackslot $x


<val> = stackslot <stack slot name>

'globaladdr' - Pointer to Global

Materializes a ptr that points to some global entity. This could be a function, a global variable, etc.

  ; given that fn i32 @printf(ptr, ...)
  %0 = globaladdr @printf


<val> = globaladdr <global name>

'bconst' - Boolean Constant

Materializes a bool with either true or false.

%0 = bconst bool true
%1 = bonst bool false


<val> = bconst <ty> ((true) | (false))

'iconst' - Integer Constant

Materializes an integer with a given constant value.

Integer constants are made up of digits and an optional prefix, and can be in one of four forms:

  • Binary, must have prefix 0b and is made up of 0 and 1
  • Octal, must have prefix 0o and is made up of [0-7].
  • Decimal, must have no prefix and no leading zeroes and is made up of [0-9]. They can have a leading - which will make them negative.
  • Hex, must have prefix 0x and is made up of [0-9a-zA-Z]

Constants can be negative or positive, but they are converted to their unsigned bit-pattern regardless of sign. Since integers are two’s complement, this means that the constant -1 is equivalent to 0xFF or 255 for i8, 0xFFFF for i16, etc.

%0 = iconst i32 0b11
%1 = iconst i64 0xFA
%2 = iconst i8 -2
%3 = iconst i16 16
%4 = iconst i32 0o777


<val> = iconst <ty> (-)?((0b) | (0o) | (0x))[0-9a-fA-F]+

'fconst' - Floating-point Constant

Materializes a floating-point constant from a given floating-point literal.

Floating-point literals can be in decimal form with a ., scientific notation, C's hex float format, or raw hex (prefix 0f to make distinct from hex integer values) denoting the underlying byte values.

  • Standard decimal form: ([0-9]+).([0-9]+) (ex. 0.0039)
  • Scientific notation: .([0-9]+)(.[0-9]+)?e(+|-)([0-9]+) (ex. 1.749e-3)
  • Raw hex: 0f([0-9a-fA-F]+) (ex. 0f3FD55558B21DC9EA)
  • NaN for an unspecified NaN value
%0 = fconst f64 0f3FD55558B21DC9EA
%1 = fconst f32 3.14195
%3 = fconst f32 1.3e100

undef’ - Undefined Value

Materializes an uninitialized object. Reading the value yields a non-deterministic value, but it is not undefined behavior. Reading the same undef value multiple times will yield the same value.

%0 = undef { i32, i32 }
%1 = undef ptr
%2 = undef f64

'null' - Null Value

Materializes a zero-ed object. Reading the value results in whatever an all-zero-bits representation means for that type.

%0 = null ptr
%1 = null i32
%2 = null { ptr, i64, i64 }

Compiler Internals

SIR Parser

Parsing SIR from input text is a effectively divided into two stages:

  1. Running a Pest-generated parser to get the input text into a parse tree
  2. Running a dual type-checker/parser on the parse tree to generate SIR from it

The second part is the part actually implemented in the compiler.


The parser effectively runs multiple stages of pre-processing instead of walking the parse tree a single time. This pre-processing enables use-before-definition at both the function and the block level.

Each time a function subtree is found, the function is declared and the function's body is put onto a work list, and once every function in the file is declared the parser goes through the list and actually parses the bodies (and properly defines the functions).

The same is done at the basic-block level inside function bodies to make it possible to branch to blocks that are defined after the branch instruction that targets them. This also makes it easier to preserve the block order that was parsed, even though technically this is irrelevant (as long as the entry block is in the right place).

What this actually means for the instruction parsing code is that all valid block/function names are known by the time they execute, so the names not existing can only mean that the input is invalid.

Names -> Values

The parser relies on the SSA property of the program to map names (e.g. %x) back to the actual values that it has generated for those names. While this property is checked (when new values are introduced it's checked to make sure they did not exist before), it is checked while instructions are being parsed.

When an instruction or block parameter is parsed, its name (referred to by a LocalIdent) is put into the resolver map inside of SIRParser. That entry is then mapped to the value referred to by the name, so that later that value can be found.

SIR In-Memory Representation

SIR is represented as a (relatively obscured) graph in-memory. Representation for a given SIR function is divided between two different types:

  • DataFlowGraph: owns all the "things" in a function, and models data-flow between values
  • Layout: orders the entities in a data-flow graph into lists of blocks, and lists of instructions in those blocks.

DataFlowGraph: The DFG

This is basically a massive overly-complicated lookup table. It stores lots of arenas that store everything in a function that matters, whether it be instructions, blocks, referenced function signatures, etc. Everything is stored inside of arenas, and 'references' to those entities is passed around by indices into those arenas.

Layout: The Layout

Codegen Pipeline

Register Allocation

Register allocators in Sapphire operate on MIR in a very specific format. This document will use x86-64 MIR syntax, but the basic idea applies to all architectures.

Expected Input

The expectation is that the MIR input is in non-SSA form using an unlimited set of virtual registers (v-regs).

All φ nodes are expected to have already been eliminated and replaced with mov instructions. Effectively, it is assumed that if the MIR was executed on a machine that had an infinite number of registers, it would have the behavior of the original SIR.

φ-elimination can be performed however the backend sees fit (e.g. the x86-64 backend performs critical edge splitting over the SIR before lowering and translates φ-nodes into naive copies), but the behavior must be modeled through copies (and therefore be visible to the register allocator with MachInst::is_move).


Register constraints are expected to be expressed via instructions that operate directly on specific physical registers. The register allocator is expected to obey these constraints.

Stack Frames

It is expected that the prologue/epilogue code not be present (if necessary), as the rewriter will emit the prologue and epilogue where necessary.

Parameters & Return Values

Parameters located in registers are the most rigid expectation the register allocator has, they are expected to be implemented via movs from physical registers into v-regs. The stack frame stores which ones are used for this.

Return values must work in a similar way if they write to registers, they are expected to be movs from v-regs into physical registers as determined by the ABI.


    mov vi4, edi ; parameter `mov`s start here
    mov vi3, esi ; .
    mov vi2, edx ; .
    mov vi1, ecx ; .
    mov vi0, vi1 ; regular codegen starts here
    add vi0, vi2
    ; ...
    mov eax, vi0 ; return `mov`s start here
    ret          ; regular codegen continues here


Sapphire comes with several CLI tools for working with SIR, this is the documentation on how those tools work and how to use them.

  • filetest: A file-driven testing tool
  • sirc: A CLI interface to the Sapphire backend

filetest: File-driven Test Runner

This is a very similar (albeit extremely cut-down) tool to FileCheck from LLVM. It's a simple, fast way of writing data-driven regression tests for the compiler.

Tests and Runners

Tests are defined in terms of "subtests" and "cases" for those subtests. Subtests are subsets of the complete list of test cases that are run through a specific "runner" that is built into filetest. These runners are written in the runners/ subdirectory of filetest/, and are enabled in

Note: The reason it is built this way is to allow better access to compiler APIs in regression tests, as writing the runners in Rust gives full access to both the Sapphire API and the Rust language.

This tool may end up changing to more of a command-based model where tests are defined in terms of commands to execute that output data to be matched on, but as of right now runners are hard-coded.

Runners operate on a subset of the total list of test cases, each subdirectory in the tests/ directory is considered to correspond to a subtest. tests/parse/ => parse subtest, tests/domtree/ => domtree subtest, etc. These are automatically discovered when filetest is executed.


filetest works with the idea of "checks," and it provides several types of checks that can be useful in different circumstances.

All filetest test cases (files) must start with a header of the following format:


where <CHECK TYPE> is one of the following:

  • STANDARD: Normal CHECK directive style, the output should contain the content of each CHECK line
  • MATCH-ENTIRE: The output of a given test should exactly match the rest of the file (starting at the beginning of the next line)
  • MATCH-SECTION: The output should contain a given output

Note that the entire file is still given as input for the test, comments are not stripped out. This should not matter for your test.

Check Types


This is very similar to CHECK directives in LLVM's FileCheck. Any line that (after whitespace is trimmed from the beginning) follows the following format is considered to be a CHECK directive:

; CHECK: <check content>

Each of these checks must appear in order in the output of the test, although they may have other lines inserted between them. Consider the following tests:

Test CaseOutput
llvm<br/>; STANDARD<br/>; CHECK: a<br/>; CHECK: bwhatever<br/>a<br/>whatever<br/>b

This would be considered to pass the test. While a and b are not one-after-the-other in the test's output, they are in the correct order relative to one another, and they are both present.

Test CaseOutput
llvm<br/>; STANDARD<br/>; CHECK: a<br/>; CHECK: bwhatever<br/>b<br/>whatever<br/>a

This would be considered to not pass the test. While a and b are both present in the output, they are not in the correct relative order.

If it is necessary to not have anything between checks, use MATCH-SECTION.


This directive is simple. It takes everything in the file after the ; MATCH-ENTIRE directive and expects the output to match this exactly. This is really only used for the parser regression tests where the parser/writer should output the same thing that was input.

fn i32 @main(i32, ptr) {
entry(i32 %argc, ptr %argv):
  %0 = iconst i32 0
  ret i32 %0


This directive allows defining an exact textual structure that should appear somewhere in the output. After the MATCH-SECTION directive, an ;; line denotes the end of the section to look for in the output, and the first line after is expected to be an empty ; line.

Note: While a bit odd, this makes it easier to read the test cases and allows blank lines to be part of the tests.

; fn void @test() {
; entry:
;   ret void
; }
fn void @test() {
  ret void

sirc: SIR Compiler

x86-64 Backend

This section documents the different constraints, assumptions and limitations of the current x86-64 backend. It also documents the specific implementation quirks of the backend.

φ Elimination

φ elimination (also known as SSA destruction) is performed in the naive "translate into copies" method, but this has known limitations (see lost copy problem). It is assumed that the split-crit-edges pass has been run over the SIR module before codegen begins, if this is not done incorrect code can be emitted.

Type Representation


bool is represented the same way as an i8 (i.e. in byte-sized partial registers), with false being zero and true being 1.

condbr and icmp/fcmp Interactions

Currently, the backend has two states for implementing condbr:

  1. The comparison is the instruction directly before the condbr
  2. The comparison is not directly before the condbr

This is a bit of a hack, but it's to ensure that CPU flags are maintained correctly. The two states are implemented like so:

Directly Before

This is how you'd want it to be emitted, a cmp-like instruction followed by a jump that models the condition in the comparison. You get code like this emitted:

cmp rax, rdx
jl .TRUE
jmp .FALSE

In this case, the icmp/fcmp does not have a constrained register, and is only emitted to manipulate CPU flags.

Not Directly Before

This is the case that needs to be optimized better, but for now this is what it does. The condbr places a register constraint on the comparison instruction, and it emits instructions to jump to the true branch if that register is 1, and jump to the false branch otherwise. It effectively generates this code:

test R, R
jnz .TRUE
jmp .FALSE

When the comparison is emitted, it is expected to also emit a set* instruction to copy the condition to a register, so that the test previously emitted will work. The end result should look like this:

cmp rax, rdx
xor R, R
setle R
test R, R
jnz .TRUE
jmp .FALSE


Calls are treated as-if they didn't affect the stack layout at all, and are lowered such that they don't affect the prologue/epilogue at all.

All calls that require stack space for parameter passing and whatnot are expected to generate their own stack manipulation code.

System V

For System V, this is implemented via push instructions and an add rsp, N after the call that fixes back up the stack.

ABI Legalization

The x86-64 backend expects a specific subset of SIR as input.

The gist of it is the follows:

  1. All aggregates that would be put into registers according to calling convention rules remain as aggregates in parameters
  2. All other aggregates that would be passed in memory