GitHub Repository

A review site made to house a bunch of practice questions for Calculus.

Technologies used:

  • TypeScript
  • JSX / TSX
  • React

Important pieces of this project:

  1. Utilized existing tooling to create a math display and interactive quiz
    • Adapted an existing animation library / LaTeX display library for use in this specific situation

Things learned from this project:

Feature Creep is Real

The original intent of this project was a much broader scope than it is right now. It was meant to generate math problems and solutions, not just display them. However, due to a combination of the lack of powerful symbolic algebra / calculus tooling that could be used from JS/TS and my lack of knowledge in the space combined to a project that took significantly longer than expected and ended up not having that portion in the final product.

Given a longer timespan I could have figured this out, but I allowed feature creep to come in as I tried to generate more types of problems and ended up not having anything come out of it.